Use this ancient technique of massage with thisjade roller can increase blood flow (microcirculation)and assists lymphatic drainage in the soft tissue,potentially stimulates the skin's natural rejuvenationand healing opioid systems, thus resulting indiminishing the appearance of wrinkles and finelines, and relieving the skin tension.
How to use:
1. For eyes: move from inside to outside slowlyand gently, repeat 5 to 15 times. Note: do not getscraping cream into your eyes.
2. For nose: slowly from top to the tip of the nose,repeat 5 to 10 times until the skin get slight hot.
3. For face: do not touch your skin with your finger,press the scraping board whlie move it from bottomto top slowly and gently, repeat 10 to 15 times.
4. For neck: slowly from top to bottom, repeat 10 to20 times until the skin get slight hot.